Sunday, June 20, 2010

Baseball Boys

I am terrible about taking pictures. My excuse used to be that my camera was too big and bulky. But now that I also have a sleek little point and shoot camera, I'm not sure what my excuse is. I have just one, ONE, photo of Jonah to document his baseball season this year (and it's not even that great of a picture, poor Jonah):

Reuben was a tad bit luckier. My camera happened to be in my diaper bag and my diaper bag happened to be at his last game of the season so I have a few more of Big Reubs to document his debut in t-ball:

Notice Reuben with his "Beth Batheball Buddy Bankths Bonney":)

And we musn't forget the die hard fan who went to every practice and game to cheer his brothers on:

Go Choppers GOOOO!

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Aww, I'm lovin' all these pictures of the Crandalls! We miss you guys!