Saturday, September 27, 2008


We had our ward camp out this weekend. I love camping. I love the smell of woodsmoke and crushed pine needles. I love getting the end of my stick red hot in the fire and waving it around in the blackness of the night. I kind of love sleeping in the four man with my five member family (never mind, I don't).

We woke up this morning to the tat tat of rain on our tent. We waited for the rain to stop so we could get up and get breakfast going. It didn't. The rain came down harder and harder, and pretty soon, we found ourselves in a deluge--the last remnants of this week's nor'easter. Whenever I hear the word nor'easter, I feel like I should be out in my yellow rain slicker and cable sweater checking my lobster pots. A rain slicker would have been helpful at this camp out, also maybe a canoe.

No, this isn't a beautiful river meandering through a scenic is our campsite.

After several hours of rain, things did clear up for a bit. So while Todd was fishing on the pier with Jonah, I took the two littles down to the beach. Check out the boardwalk:

When we arrived at the beach, Ezra found a nice family of horse shoe crabs all lined up neatly from biggest to littlest taking a quiet nap together.

Of course, we weren't wet enough, so Reuben bee-lined it straight for the waves

Isn't it idyllic?

After a beautiful half hour on the beach, the rain picked up again, so back up the boardwalk we went.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Hello, fellow blogger friends! I'm always the last to do anything even slightly related to technology, but here I am--no longer a shadow on the wall that silently reads your blogs and tip-toes away without a trace. This better be as easy as everyone keeps telling me.

So today, I learned a fabulous new French word--FAUVE. A "fauve" is a person who loves color. I am a fauve. I hunger for color. I actually salivate when I come across a perfect hue. I have a binder in my nightstand completely dedicated to and stuffed full of paint samples. The colors around me affect my sense of well-being. I love the french language. Why don't doesn't the English language have a word for we fauves?

Be patient with me as try to figure out how to post photos and all the other tricky blogger things (tricky to me!).