Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day Camping Trip

We just got back from a camp out up the 11 Mile Canyon. Really, I think I'll just let the pictures do the talking for this post. The boys were in heaven--I mean, how could one go wrong, with fire, walking sticks, mud, boulders, wide flat rocks to picnic on, and rushing rivers to wade in? The whole thing was a bit Lord of the Flyish but very fun.

Back to civilization with two days worth of dirt to scrub off!

How we spend our days

We've got a long stretch of summer ahead of us and being the newbies in town, we don't exactly have a hoppin' social life. Still, we are managing to stay busy and have fun. We have a neighborhood pool just down the street from us that we hit pretty much every afternoon, and in the mornings? Well, the first thing the boys do when the they roll out of bed is reading. Is it because they all love to read every spare minute just like their mother? Nah. Reading for one hour equals one hour of wii time, duh!

And then? THE SKATEPARK! We have this completely awesome skatepark about two blocks from our house. We usually go right after breakfast to avoid the heat and the teenagers. We bring scooters, bikes, skateboards, and anything else we can think of that rolls. The boys LOVE it!


We are here in Colorado and settling in. It is so lovely to be reunited with Todd. Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder and I'm pretty much head over heels in love with my husband. I'm missing Norfolk somthin' turrible but, in the same breath, it is sooo nice to be finished with the packing up and the unpacking. Although I must say I did have an immense amount of help with the packing. For example, this guy pretty much single handedly packed up my books:

Todd flew to Norfolk and we drove across the country Memorial Day weekend. Some dear friends made the boys a goody bag for the trip and it was seriously a lifesaver. We got them to behave for a full six hour stretch just on the promise of a blue ring pop at the end:

Here are our little troopers taking a 30 minute leg stretch at a rest area in Kansas:

The highlight of our last day of driving? Getting a whole dollar to buy anything they wanted from the vending machine. Oh, the AGONY of choosing!

All three older boys were instrumental in keeping Baby Jude happy through the long hours, but this boy here was the absolute champion at it:

Baseball Boys

I am terrible about taking pictures. My excuse used to be that my camera was too big and bulky. But now that I also have a sleek little point and shoot camera, I'm not sure what my excuse is. I have just one, ONE, photo of Jonah to document his baseball season this year (and it's not even that great of a picture, poor Jonah):

Reuben was a tad bit luckier. My camera happened to be in my diaper bag and my diaper bag happened to be at his last game of the season so I have a few more of Big Reubs to document his debut in t-ball:

Notice Reuben with his "Beth Batheball Buddy Bankths Bonney":)

And we musn't forget the die hard fan who went to every practice and game to cheer his brothers on:

Go Choppers GOOOO!

If you give a boy a camera....

this little boy to be specific:

You may get a bird's eye view into his little 7 year old mind: